Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Young people drive Iphones not Cars??

I can't beleive that the automobile business is really trying to pin the internet as the cause for there decline in sales between the Y generation. It seems that now a days as soon as someones marketing strategy doesn't work they blame the internet. As said by Karl Brauer, senior analyst and editor at large at Edmunds.com a real reason why most young people today don't have cars is becasue of the economic troubles facing there parents who would normally buy them the car, as well as the lack of jobs that there are now for them to have and earn money to buy a car.

If I can't find a job and my mom can't buy me one then the only thing I can do is look online for jobs that allow me to stay home or opt to take online classes so that I won't have to drive to my university. Another ridiculous theory is that us young people are wasting our money on electronic gadgets instead of getting cars. Sure I can talk and email my boss with my Iphone but seriously my Iphone can't drive me to work or take me to the grocery store.

Finally I beleive the biggest reason why young people today are not buying as many cars is because now a days no one under 30 with a part time job and no credit will even get approved to buy a car. The internet does not determine my credit score or the decision that the bank will make when I submit my application for financing a car, therefore if they wan't to blame anything for there decline in car sales they can blame the banks for not helping students qualify for car loans.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you Giselle. If the banks would be better willing to help students or even adults with loans, the car industry would not be having this problem. Gadgets are not the reason why they are having low sales. Teens are just realizing that there are better ways to spend or invest their money than on buying new cars. They realize that an older car or even no car will help them save their money. You also mentioned credit which is completely true, most students do not have sufficient credit history to even apply for a loan so in a city like New York they just opt to take the subway.
