Saturday, November 20, 2010

Today goes down in History! Marketers Land on the Brain!

No I am not exxagerating folks, If we made it such a big deal when the Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, then we should definilly put it in the history books, Marketers can now get into the consumers brain with a new form of MRI. The point of a marketers job is to understand the consumer and figure out what and how they purchase, but it's not easy to be a pshycic and you can never assure yourself that you will have what the consumer wants unless you knew what they were thinking or better yet feeling.

This new idea of Neuromarketing is great!! because let's be honest people are not Honest!!! No survey or focus group can really tell you the truth on how the consumer feels because people either feel bad telling you that they hate it, or they don't speak up when they like it because it might affect how society views them. By running all these exams on peoples brains to find out if the moved them or made them mad, the marketer can know if the product will really appeal to the general public or fail. Of course like everything in life there is a negative side to this new form of MRI's because they can be used for the wrong reasons as mentioned in an article in What if such scans could be used by the government to test a soldier for homosexuality, or even unconscious homosexual impulses, and discharge them based upon the results?

Lets hope these tests are used for marketing purposes only and we can use them to move foward into the right direction for the Marketing world. We might finally predict what the consumer will want instead of wasting thousands of dollars on expensive ad campaigns that won't work.


  1. I agree with your comment about the military because finding out that someone is homosexual is not a reason to discharge them from the military. That is someone's personal information that does not need to be shared nor does it make them not able to fight for our country. Definitely these test should be kept for marketing purposes only, if that.

  2. The move toward neuromarketing is complex at the least. It does give the marketer the ability to look into someone’s true wants. However, they can use this to misconstrue whether these wants or impulses are actually needs. The ability of the neuromarketing is mesmerizing and should be applied consciously by companies wishing to increase revenue. I am not opposed to neuromarketing but concerned about what happens if it falls into the hands of the enemy...lmao. Neuromarketing is a new weapon in marketing and advertising. And I completely agree with you that people do not tell the truth when questioned in surveys. We'll do anything for a free shirt or whatever the company is offering.

  3. I have to agree with you on the military comment. Rejecting anyone to serve in the military because of their sexual orientation is completely wrong. Hopefully, as neuromarketing continues to grow and become more popular, laws will save our privacy, to a certain extent… HA!! LOL. To tell you the truth, (before you read it out of my brain. lol) I think that some things are meant to be keep private and if it doesn’t affect other people’s safety or you performance at work, then the rest shouldn’t matter. As long as you’re healthy and happy it’s all good. As for the markers, this would be a dream come true, knowing what the consumer wants is a gold mine.
